Visas aren’t reserved to international travel. Coworking spaces that realize the power of partnerships use coworking visas to enhance the customer experience.
Like travel visas, coworking visas provide access to new territories.
Essentially, these visas allow members of participating coworking spaces free access (up to 3 times) to other coworking spaces within the network.
But why would any coworking space offer services for free?
It is all about building a strong network of interconnected coworking spaces.
Location-independent workers find it particularly useful while traveling because they can still access the benefits of a non-local coworking space while traveling.
The Strengths of a Coworking Visa
A coworking visa has one strength: it allows members of participating coworking spaces to access other participating coworking spaces.
It helps coworking spaces market their businesses regardless of where in the world they are located.
For instance, a coworking space member from Melbourne, Australia is on a 7-day trip to China.
While there, she finds a coworking space that is a part of the coworking visa program.
This space offers free access for 2 days after which the coworker must pay the regular rate.
She uses the 2-day option and then pays for an additional 2 days to complete an intense work assignment.
Therefore, the coworking space in China earns money from this new customer and it is highly likely that she will visit again on her next trip.
Coworking visas can also work within the same country.
A coworker, for instance, who is based in Sydney, Australia but travels occasional to Melbourne, Australia can use a coworking visa to access a participating coworking space in the Melbourne area.
The reverse is also true so both coworking spaces can benefit from these occasional customers.
The Weaknesses of a Coworking Visa
A coworking visa sounds great in theory.
However, there are some issues with its effective implementation.
1. Managing coworking visa data.
Most coworking spaces use localized systems to manage their data.
Therefore, it is difficult to coordinate a coworking visa amongst multiple participating spaces, especially if those spaces are overseas.
A centralized system must capture:
- The coworking space at which the person is an active member.
- The coworking space that the person is visiting.
- The number of free days the member used at the participating space.
- Clear communication between owners of the spaces.
- Up-to-date information about coworking spaces. For instance, coworking spaces that have closed should not be listed as a part of the program
2. Getting coworking space owners to buy into the idea of lost capital.
The idea of giving away coworking services for free is a tough pill for some coworking space owners to swallow.
There must be a clear understanding that these coworking visas are about building an intricately connected community of coworking spaces that support each other.
It is about forging relationships rather than trying to make big bucks.
3. Different company cultures may deter customers.
One bad experience can cause a coworking space to lose a customer.
A member’s experience at another coworking space deeply impacts how all coworking spaces in the network are perceived.
There must be synergy amongst the spaces with an emphasis on creating the best customer experience at all times.
Coworking spaces that do not follow this mandate should not be a part of the network.
Consider Joining/Creating a Coworking Visa Program
A coworking visa program can offer a nice boost to a coworking company’s clientele.
Collaboration is an essential component of the coworking industry; coworking business owners must work together to help each other grow if they want to succeed in this growing industry.
Become a part of a coworking visa program.
If there is not one in your area, create one by using the mycowork.space website to reach out to other coworking spaces in your area.
Last updated: June 13, 2019